Big City Studios was founded on the success of delightful children's posters created by Dave Magee. Thousands of the posters have been sold over the years. Magee continues to cartoon and creates caricatures of animals.
In 2020, Magee’s creative focus turned to realistic wildlife art. The incredible range of motion that animals have, expressive personalities, and finest details are captured in Magee’s art. Magee is a member of the New Hampshire Center for the Arts.
Magee is inspired by animals who show intelligence, emotion, reasoning and often demonstrate their incredible range of motion. As an artist, Magee strives to create beautiful realistic images, and equally important is to establish what makes artwork unique from all the incredible animal artist talent. Magee tells a story in each piece, and usually tied to contemporary themes. That story incorporates realistic image(s) of intelligent species, demonstrating expressions. Magee wants to stimulate people’s minds beyond just realistic art . Magee challenges the observer to go beyond the common refrain, "isn't that beautiful", and really see the artwork and conclude, "Isn't that beautiful, and those animal personalities within the painting capture the essence of the story in one single frame."